Catching up with the Cato's, Part 1
Love these happy blueberry faces!
I have really been slacking on the updates since we moved. But it's been with good cause! We have been enjoying the river, beach, library and just running a-muck all over this hill we live on! Trampolines to jump on, swings to tackle, goats to play with, rooster attacks to guard against...
Wait, WHAT?!?
Wait, WHAT?!?
From Jackson's telling of it, the "black-and-white chicken" doesn't like animal crackers, and so that's why he attacked. That makes TWO TIMES this week I have seen my son with blood running down the side of his face. A LOT of blood! The other time was a hammer mishap. I'm ready for the injuries to stop for a minute!
Here are a few more snapshots from the past few weeks.
Megan and Madison held a karate match for the parents to enjoy. Just like everything else these two come up with, it was pretty much hilarious
Here is our wonderful children's librarian with the girls.
We love Miss Dori!
Look how cute they are!!!
We had a few days of warmth and sunshine, so the kids decided on a picnic lunch in the back yard.
Sweet memories!
Jordan and Trent were invited to join a group of 1st grade homeschoolers for a day of fun!

Stephanie had set up stations for all of them to visit with bowling, painting, necklace-making, the hot plate, and card-making. I think the kids loved playing with the parachute the best!
Here Jordan is doing the hot-plate station. She had so much fun!
I have more pictures of the river and the beach, but this post is getting too long! I'll try to get those up tomorrow!
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