Our Summer in Pictures...

...because I fell off the blogging wagon. 

We visited the Trees of Mystery at the end of May.  


The favorite part for most of us was the Sky Trail.  

Of course there were trips to beaches and hikes on trails.

And we got a dog!  
Meet Sydney Courageous. 

We gained a new family member at the beginning of July,

and enjoyed the 4th with friends.

 Our boy kept us entertained and on our toes!

My vegetable garden was plagued by deer, puppy, and blight.  
(Do you see what those deer did to my strawberries?)

We played dress up.  

Lots of it.

And some days we just chilled. 

We were ragamuffins, 


and daredevils.   

My girl got her ears pierced,

and turned 7! 

We took swim lessons and spent many a' day practicing our skills in the river, 


 Daddy taught us to shoot guns,

and made his little boy's dream come true...


We got a king sized bed (woo-hoo!) and the kids spent the next week making a fort out of the box. 


The grandparents took us on an adventure,

Battles were won and lost, 

and quiet was enjoyed.

I needed the break, and I'm not afraid to admit it.  But now... 
back to work!


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