Central Oregon: NEED TO BREATHE and Matt Kearney!!!

About 4 or 5 months ago, I was planning our family's first ever real vacation.  The plan for our vacation was to come to Bend, drop the dogs off with my parents, and begin the vacation from there. While I was doing my research, I learned that there was going to be a concert in Bend when we would be arriving.  But not just any concert--Needtobreathe and Matt Kearney!  Two of our favorites, touring together, and stopping in Bend the day after we would arrive.  Brilliant.  So I cleared it with Jeff and got online to purchase tickets.  At checkout, we learned that the ticket sales agency charged enormous processing fees and it was going to be $250 for us to attend.  Jeff said no. It was too much money.  I sighed and said something like, "bummer" and moved on.

Then several months later, after we had received an offer on the house and made plans to stay with my parents while it closed, I asked Jeff again if we could go to the concert.  Since we could purchase the tickets in Bend and avoid processing fees, it would be $190.  This time he said it was up to me, but reminded me that we have a budget and need to be careful with what we have.  So I decided we should probably skip it since it's an extra.

Fast forward to two days before the concert.  I was watching the Knorpp's YouTube videos, when my dad brought me the phone.  It was my brother.

"You like that band called Needtobreathe, right?"

"Um, yeah!  Why?"

"Cause my company is awesome and they gave me tickets."  He asked if we wanted them.

 For real?  And best of all, two of the tickets come with VIP bonuses of free food and drinks.  How wild is that?!?  A few thoughts popped into my head:  One, I'm thankful that I submitted to my husband 5 months ago and didn't push to buy the tickets, and two, the Lord is so kind to bless us with this exciting, fun thing that I know we need right now.  We are going strong, but for sure the past few months of work and decisions and uncertainty have drained us some.  I think the concert tomorrow will be a fun boost for everyone!  And another thing that I just thought of is that if I had purchased the tickets before, I would have just bought the cheapest option, but the Lord has blessed us with more.

We are very grateful to my brother for thinking of us and getting the tickets.  Earlier that day, Jeff and I were texting, talking about how neat it has been these past few months to watch God guide our steps and light our path. And then another example of His help came right after that with these tickets.  I can't tell you what a comfort these little things are during this time, when we're not really sure what we are doing!  Each day we pray for instruction and direction, and each day He supplies it, sending little helps and gifts along the way.  I'm so thankful.

*Updated to add a photos.  Mat Kearney was the highlight of the night for our family, for sure!  I hope we get to see him in concert again!


  1. I love this! Thanks for sharing<3 Waiting on the Lord is awesome!! It's so encouraging to hear you life stories.

    1. I like blogging because it helps me remember what the Lord has done. When I go back and read my blog posts from when the kids were babies, I am surprised by how much I have forgotten. Probably why the Old Testament talks so much about remembering what the Lord has done. It increases our faith and we rejoice in His faithfulness when remember all the times He has pulled us through! :) Love you!


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