Alamogordo, New Mexico

While we were in Alamogordo primarily to see White Sands National Monument, we also knew that the area was home to a missile testing ground as well.  We didn't end up getting to see a missile test launch, which was a bummer for Jeff, but we did visit a space museum.  Here are a few snaps I took during our week in this area.

New Mexico fiery sunset.

Jackson and Lathan got to play Minecraft during the nights that we were all together in the campground.

Have you seen these?  I was too curious to pass them up.  They tasted weird.

We visited the New Mexico Museum of Space History one day.  It was an ASTC Passport museum, so we had free admission.  It was a small museum, but totally worth the stop.  Some neat things here.

Too crammed!  How do astronauts handle being in such confined spaces?

They had a Star Trek exhibit that was really cool!  There was a lot of information and displays about the various incarnations of the show, and memorabilia, too.

My kids haven't seen the show, but I told them about the transporter.  They were totally ready to defend the Enterprise!  Now Jackson keeps saying, "Beam me up, Scottie!"

We lost Megan, but the kids were doing impressions of the Star Trek cast.  Here's the original:


Jackson the astronaut goes to the moon.
(In flip flops, but whatever.)

Jackson the patriotic astronaut, on the moon.

Jackson forgot that he was on the moon and took his protective helmet off.  Oh no!

Don't worry, he's okay.

We also visited the world's largest pistachio.  A woman walked by when I was taking this photo and said, "Is that one big nut and three little ones?"  I said that would be a good caption for the pic!

Creepy cowboy that moves and gives you side-eye.  Never trust a man who won't look you in the eye.  Haha.

The best part about this stop:  the pistachio tasting bar!  SO GOOD!  I bought some of the ultimate pistachio brittle to take home to Jeff, since he didn't get to go with us.  He loved it.

Jeff and I decided to go for a walk the next day.  I think he misjudged how long the loop around the scenic road was and we did the whole thing.  It ended up being 6 1/2 miles long!  By the time we started feeling tired enough to double-check the map and saw how far we had to go, it was shorter to just keep going.  So that's what we did!  We both woke up sore today, but oh well. 

And that wraps up our week in Alamogordo, New Mexico!  We had a great visit and hope to make it back to visit the more northern cities sometime.  For now, we're pushing west.  We have a bunch of appointments in May, so we're scooting on down the road to make them.  It's hard to pass by things that are interesting, but this trip would take a decade if we stopped for everything.  I keep saying, "We'll see that on our next pass through, Lord willing."  

We love and miss you all!  


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