October is for Opportunities

If one must experience an extended time of uncertainty, it is best if they can be there with cheerful, comedic, loving, optimistic offspring like these people here.

Seriously, friends, my kids bless my socks off on the daily.  I couldn't put proper words to it if I tried, but I'll say this:  The Cato trio are largely responsible for how happily we were able to walk through the 6-month giant question mark that we just came out of.

Or, wait.  Are we out of it, really?  Maybe it's presumptive to say that, but I guess I can say that it seems like we are coming out of that.

But let's see, where did I leave off?  Oh yes, "The Great Truck Crunch of 2018."  Okay.

After the RV's black tank valve failed again and our truck was damaged in a car wash and I started having side-effects from a procedure that made us nervous to be away from my doctor, we all agreed that we needed to STOP and pray.  STOP and fix what was broken.  STOP and see what the Lord would tell us.  Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just STOP.

We booked a month at our favorite RV park in Bend and settled in.  The only thing we knew was that we didn't know what we previously thought we knew.  How's that for a confusing sentence?

Was the Lord telling us to be done traveling?  Were we supposed to live in Bend or was He just delaying our trip south?  What about our allergies?  Did the Lord care if we were sick all the time, or did He want us to stay in Bend anyway?  Was He keeping me close to my doctor because my issues were going to continue getting worse?  Lots of questions, no answers.

Through it all, we were determined to make the best of the situation, and to keep our eyes and hearts open to whatever the Lord wanted to do with our family.  And all of the trials aside, being in Bend for autumn was a blessing.  It is exceedingly beautiful there!

One day, I took advantage of the beautiful backdrop and did a fall photoshoot with the kids. 

It ended up being terribly, terribly silly.  I didn't get many frame-able photos, but I did get a stomach ache from laughing so much.

While we sat still and waited, we determined to make the most of the opportunities that presented themselves to us.  After two years of full-time travel, the idea of plugging into one place did have an appeal.  So while we spent most of our days doing school, we also seized a few opportunities.

At the beginning of October, we began a series of photography classes with the local homeschool group.  The teacher, a fellow homeschool mom, owned a photography studio for years.

We learned so much from these lessons, and really enjoyed the opportunity to walk around Bend and appreciate the beauty all around us.

We were able to get Jackson started with braces, 

Jordan took some ballet classes,

Jackson took a class at the DIY Cave and built a glockenspiel,

and we learned to ice skate.

Another positive thing was that Jeff was able to work face-to-face with his boss most of the days.  This opportunity ended up being especially beneficial because they were in the middle of a huge project and got a lot accomplished during October.

Then one morning, Jeff woke me up, in agony.  He looked like he was going to pass out, and didn't argue when I told him I was taking him to the hospital.  We hurried to the emergency room and learned that he had kidney stones.  He is okay but needs to take better care to not become dehydrated.  That whole experience is not one that I am eager to repeat.

Count it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1 : 2-4

September and October were very trying months.  The RV black tank valve continued to be an ongoing frustration.  We went back and forth--moving in and out of the RV--for months.  Looking back, I don't know why we kept at it except that I don't know what else we could have done.  First, the repair shop couldn't find anything wrong.  Then they overtightened bolts.  Then someone closed it up without tightening the bolts at all, and it flooded.  Then the battery was dead.  Then they put in a manual pull.  I think we went back six or seven different times and moved out of the RV five times.  We can't even keep it all straight in our memories anymore.  All I know is that it was exhausting to flush tanks 86,000 times and clean out the fridge and freezer and pack up our school books and life and haul it all out and back in five times. 

By the time it got fixed for good, we were feeling a little weary of RV life.

Times like those remind me of something my Great-Grandma used to say.  Whenever someone was at the end of their rope, and wanted to yell or cry or walk away, she'd smile really big and say, "Now isn't that just disgusting?"  And she'd laugh until you laughed along with her.

Because what else can you say when something goes so wrong and you have no choice but to press on until you figure it out?  

I mean, go ahead and admit that it's absolutely the most disgusting thing you've seen in a long time.  But don't stop there.  Restore a proper perspective in your heart and mind, smile, and then move forward!

Something I tell the kids often is:  

The Lord either sent it or allowed it, so either way, we will rejoice!

But rejoicing can look a lot of different ways.  Sometimes it is singing a song of joy or proclaiming His goodness from the roof tops.  Sometimes it is quiet acceptance and perfect peace, knowing that the Lord is working for your good and thanking Him for that. 

I won't say that we were dancing with glee after the fifth move out in two months.  Upheaval isn't easy, but it was good for us to be put through our paces a bit and to realize that we were fine.  Everything turned out fine.  The RV is fine.  The kids are fine.  Jeff and I are fine.  And actually, now that we have two-month's distance from the whole thing, we laugh about it when it comes up!

And that's all for October!


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