Our homeschool: Colonial Days
What a fun week this has been! The kids are really enjoying the colonial study that we are in the middle of. The book that we are using the most is "Welcome to Felicity's World: Growing up in Colonial America".

Also for our colonial study, we have been working our way through "A Sampler View of Colonial Life", and the girls have made several samplers of their own--sort of. We are using plastic craft squares and thick craft needles, but they are at least getting the general idea of what a sampler is! (I've really got to learn how to sew!) We practiced the various stitches and then I let them loose to create their own samplers. They've been "sewing" constantly for the past few days, bringing their work to me from time to time to admire. It makes my heart happy to see them enjoying school so much!
Megan's first thought was to make a map of the 13 colonies, but after realizing how difficult it would be to connect them all and make them accurate, she decided to just place them around a big "M" and added a lake for good measure (because what's a map without a lake, really?).
Jordan followed suit and made a big "J" on hers, and then decided on flowers and shapes. I was really impressed with her perserverence--she worked at it for over an hour!
Jackson made an attempt, but then practiced his scizzor skills all over it before I could get a picture. Here are a few pics of him this month, just because he's so cute!
The one on the right is Jackson as I found him a few weeks ago when I went to check on him. When he woke up I asked him why he had sister's headband on, and he said, "Because I'm excercise Jackson!" I should have known.
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