Teach Them About Jesus

Last night, I was reading and praying. I guess I started to doze off because I was jolted awake suddenly when a horrible thought popped into my head. 

The thought was of our family getting into a car accident and my daughter dying. I actually saw it in my mind. 
I wonder if other parents have had that those thoughts or dreams...maybe I'm just strange.

Right at that moment I felt these words so strongly impressed upon my heart: 

Teach them about Jesus--there is no time for anything else.

This persisted in my mind all night.  I told Jeff about these things and when we were putting the kids to bed last night we took some time to talk about having assurance of our salvation.  There is nothing that terrifies me so much as the thought of my children dying without knowing that they have assurance that they are saved. (Romans 8:16)

I'll keep the details private, but Jeff and I were so blessed to see that God set up that word for our daughter, Megan.  She has made her statement of faith, and we wait expectantly for that day when she comes to us with her "assurance" story!  (Hopefully that made sense--I couldn't think of what else to call it!)

My prayer for my children recently is Hebrews 10:22:
"Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." 

Truly saved.  Not "I raised my hand at church one day," but to have turned from their sin and sought forgiveness through Jesus.  My greatest desire as a mother is to know that my children love and obey the Lord and will be with Him in heaven some day.

Dear Mothers,
Teach them about Jesus--there is no time for anything else.


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