Before we left central Oregon, we wanted to revisit a few of the places that we had enjoyed when we lived there seven years ago. We hoped to add in the Oregon Observatory, but the weather didn't cooperate. One day, we skipped school and visited the High Desert Museum. This time, we spent nearly all day there, attending the various animal talks and enjoying the exhibits.
One fun thing that we did was to recreate a few photos from our last visit. It was pretty silly! Here is a pic from the entrance to the museum, and the one below it is from our last visit. Jordan compromised and put a knee onto the statue instead of climbing all the way in! haha
This talk was so interesting! We learned all about scavengers and raptors.
Jackson said, "Hey mom, take a picture of me and my homeboy!"
The otters were my favorite! For some reason, they were attracted to Jackson. Wherever he walked around the enclosure, they followed and looked at him expectantly. They even started standing up on their hind legs in front of him! I'm not sure why, but my guess was that whoever feeds them often wears plaid shirts like the one Jax was wearing. We spent close to a half an hour watching them. They are fun and happy animals.
He was following Jackson around the entire time we were there. So funny.
Jax fell in love with this king snake. Now he says he need to have a king snake of his own!
2009. Look how little he was the last time we visited!
We also made a trip to Sunriver to see the nature center there. Well, the real reason that we went was to purchase the ASTC Travel Passport from them. I heard about it from another full-timing family, and am super excited that we did! The passport gives free admission to hundreds of museums and science centers in the US. Since we are scheduled to spend a week near the Lowell Observatory soon, I wanted to pick up the pass before we left the area.
For being such a small science center, it was certainly packed full of really interesting exhibits.
Did you know that owls hiss? They do!
Walking around the lake in Sunriver. We saw so many birds, including a pair of swans!
Always the leader when Dad isn't with us.
Megan watched an episode of "Man, Woman, Wild" where they ate cattails and she has wanted to try it ever since!
After tasting, she agreed with the people from the show that it does taste a lot like celery. :)
I didn't get a photo of the baby geese who were trying their hardest to keep up with the big kids.
On our way back into Bend, we stopped at Lava Lands. The last time we were here was in 2009, and it hasn't changed much since then! Because the kids are older now, we were able to hike much farther and take the time to read everything. It's nice to find these interesting little free spots to explore and learn. Jordan said this was her favorite place in central Oregon.
Jordan took over as photographer for this stop.
As far as the eye can see!
I'm glad we had the opportunity to get out and enjoy some of the things that make central Oregon so unique and beautiful! All told, we spent two months exploring Sunriver, Bend, Redmond, Terrebonne, and Crooked River Ranch, and loved every day.
Lava Lands, 2009.
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