For us (or some of us, anyway), the best part about this RV adventure so far has been the road trips! Jeff and I love the changing scenery, the freedom of the open road, and the feeling of excitement over where you are headed. It's very peaceful to ride down the road to anywhere. We sometimes crank up the music and sing and dance our way down the road and there is always a lot of laughter and, eventually, utter silliness will set in. I love it, even if it does get a little loud sometimes.
So I thought I would post some of the road trip photos I snapped over the past month, for your viewing pleasure. After seeing how awfully they turned out, I'm pretty much set on having my Nikon with me at all times now. I don't know why, but my phone camera is no bueno. Or else it's the person taking the pictures? Who can know, really.
Utter silliness.
So, Jordan LOVES to match her sister, and Meg is the TOTAL opposite. When Jordan was little, she would wait to see what outfit Megan had chosen for the day before getting dressed herself. Then, she would slip into her bedroom and pick out an outfit that matched her sisters.
This month when we stopped to eat while on a road trip, Jordan realized that she and Megan were wearing matching sweatshirts, just different colors, so we took this photo as a nod to the meme that Julie sent us some time ago:
What's a road trip without playing pillow for your brother? ;)
The scenery driving through Sedona.
We are so thankful to get to see these new and different parts of God's creation.
The game is called "Pencil Unicorns" and I don't understand it. But as you can see, these siblings are makin' some memories!
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