Our Homeschool: Declaration of Idependence, Carnivorous Creations, and Living Out Our Faith!

And here I had thought we would be on to Lewis & Clark by the beginning of February!  Ha!  Well that's not going to happen, but I'll tell you what is happening:

Jackson has become a little Ben Franklin dictionary.  When we are working on history, he chimes in with random facts that he remembers (or the parts that he thinks he remembers). I love listening to a little kids' version of a story.  It's always so much better than the real thing!

The girls made early-American acrostic poems today.  I'd love to show you a picture, but my camera is acting up.  Here is what they wrote:
"Freedom for All"
by Megan Cato

Amazing grace
Minute men
Red, white, and blue
America's freedom

"America the Great"
by Jordan Cato

A new nation
Men in blue
Everybody helped
A waving flag

Also today, Jeff and the kids planted their Venus Fly Trap seeds into our Carnivorous Creations terrarium.  I spent about half of the time trying to make my camera work, and then a few more minutes pouting that I was missing such a great photo-op.  I finally joined the group and we read about plants in this book:

Then, we started the stratification process with our other carnivorous seeds.  What is "stratification", you ask?  Well, let me tell you!  I looked at a few definitions online, but everyone tries to make it sound more complicated than it is.  Wikipedia breaks it down best:

In horticulture, stratification is the process of pretreating seeds to simulate natural winter conditions that a seed must endure before germination.

Basically a fake winter for your seeds.  So, yeah, that's what we did.  We stratified some seeds.  :)  This is what our terrarium is supposed to look like in 2 YEARS (if we can keep them alive that long.)
Lastly, but most importantly, was our bible study today.  In the mornings, we read from "Jesus Freaks", "Pilgrim's Progress", and the Proverb for the day.  In PP today, Christian was going through the city of Vanity.  We had a good discussion about what we call "the gimmies" and talked about why it's so important to not care about material things.  The girls listed things that they can do when they are feeling tempted to have the gimmies (i.e. running away, turning off the t.v., closing the magazine, etc.)  The verse that was listed in this chapter was James 1:12:

"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him."

This evening as I was preparing dinner, the girls ran out to get the mail and Jordan came back with some offer from Disney to buy movies for $1.99 if you join their club.  I told her it was junk mail and she asked if she could please have it.  I said okay, and a minute later she was saying, "Ooh look!  I want that movie, Mommy!  And I love that one!"  I raised my eyebrows at her and she said, "Uh-oh.  I've got the gimmies."  I asked her what she should do and she walked over to the garbage can and threw it away!  We all gave her high-five's and then we recited that verse.  Isn't it great how God gives us opportunities to apply the spiritual truths that we learn?  


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