Sewing fun: 3-tier skirts

One of my New Year's resolutions or Bucket List items or whatever you like to call them, is to teach myself how to sew.  I've always wanted to know how.

My first project was to make 3-tier skirts for the girls.  I got the pattern online.  I'm pleased with how they came out, except that I do think that the pattern called for too much material.  Around, not length-wise.
Here's Megan wearing her skirt:

I made Jordan's skirt a little bit shorter.  I wanted to see if the measurements would still work if I made the skirt shorter.  They didn't.  I guess you have to adjust EVERYTHING if you adjust ANYTHING!  It seems obvious to me now, but I guess this is the type of thing you run into when learning a new skill!  And she's 5, so she doesn't care a bit that her skirt flares out too much at the bottom!  
Here's the happy princess Jordan:

I enjoyed my little sewing project.  I wasn't sure if I would or not, but it is SO amazing to make something that STAYS done!!!  Love it!  I have been looking for more projects online, and it has opened up this whole different world to me!  I have been in awe of these women who make EVERYTHING so beautiful!  


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