Our Homeschool: School room pictures!

School room storage is a popular topic on The Homeschool Lounge this week, so I thought I would post pics of how we organize our school things!

 This is an extra-wide hallway just before the school room.  The bookcase holds Jackson's books on top and his Pre-K basket on bottom.  I need his work to be mobile so I can take him away from where the girls are working.  On the right is our library rack, filled up with the latest load!

  This is a sign I have posted over the entryway.  Cheesy, but I like it!

This is Jordan's workspace.  Above the desk, she put up some of her special things.  The flashcards that she reviews daily are on the top shelf and some coloring books below.  She colors when she finishes a task and is waiting for me to finish up whatever I am doing.

Computer station and Mama's chair.  The girls always laugh when I roll from one desk to the other.  It's the little things in a school day that make it great! Also in this picture is our extra large map of the United States, globe, Jordan's doll house (another thing to keep her busy when I am working with Meg.)

This is Megan's workspace.  She has also put up some of the things that she thinks are great, including a cross she just received from her pen pal.  She also has her current flashcards on the top shelf of the desk and her animal cards on the bottom shelf.  


Next year Jackson will need his own work space, so we'll have to find another home for the piano.  Also on the left is another bookcase that holds our books.

And lastly, this is our craft closet which also holds extra science materials. 
It's really just an organized mess, but I'm thankful for the extra storage.

So this is where we spend our mornings learning and laughing!  We really love this room and feel SO blessed to have a separate place for our school materials.  I'm sure that we'll have to get more creative with our storage as we accumulate more materials.

Lord bless you!


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