THE PLAN: The Underground Railroad to Today
My little chicks on our first day of the new school year!
I had intended on only taking a month off from blogging, but then my husband had an injury at work and we have been traveling weekly to his appointments. After two surgeries we were told that he will probably always be legally blind in one eye. We are thankful that he will still be able to work and know that the Lord allowed it for His glory. However, traveling and trying to get our new house in order has taken up any time that I would have had to blog and now the summer has come and gone and I never properly documented it! :)
Things are starting to settle down around here and I thought it a perfect time to start back up again because we just began our 5th year of HOMESCHOOLING! Wahoo!!!! I'm just a little excited about it! Megan is beginning 4th grade, Jordan is in 2nd, and Jackson is K5. For the grandparents (and a little for myself), I'm going to attempt to chronicle our school year, even if I only get a few pictures blogged.
{American History 1850-Present}

This year we are studying American History 1850-Present and so we began this week learning about slavery and the Underground Railroad. I prayed about how in-depth I should go with this study, not wanting to upset the kids. Some of the photos in our resource books are hard for me to look at, and I ended up omitting those ones.
After reading the corresponding chapter in "The Story of the U.S.A, Book 2," we read mini-biographies about Soujourner Truth and Frederick Douglas, and then looked through a photobiography about the Underground Railraod. Megan began reading "Freedom Train: The story of Harriet Tubman."
For activities we're using "The Underground Railroad for Kids." After we journeyed through the Underground Railroad over at National Geographic, we made paper quilt blocks. The girls each chose one pattern from the list of Railroad designs and then cut out the triangles and created their own! We're also going to be making lanterns this weekend.
Next week we'll be studying Abraham Lincoln and then sliding into a big unit on the Civil War. Stay tuned...

Next week we'll be studying Abraham Lincoln and then sliding into a big unit on the Civil War. Stay tuned...

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