Week in Review: A Photobiography
This was the second week of being back to school and it went great! In addition to our core subjects, we've added Typing, Spanish, and Artist Study this year. For Typing, we're using Typing Instructor Platinum, for Spanish we're using Rosetta Stone, and for Artist Study you'll just have to wait and see because I'm picking things up from the library as we go!
Jackson is loving being a big kinderkid! He made several crafts this week and read the first THREE books in the Abeka K5 reading program! It'll be an interesting year for sure because I have to go lesson-by-lesson to teach him how to write each letter properly, but he's ready to move on with his reading to the two-vowel rule and special sounds. I've never had to manipulate a curriculum this much before and I'm praying that I can keep it all straight!
He's also starting to show some serious signs of being his Mama's boy! For the past few weeks he has been "decorating" everything and is always trying to "clean up the place!" The other night he decorated the school room. He came and got us and asked us to take a peek and when we walked in he spread his arms wide and said,
"It's not much, but I cleaned the place up!"
We laughed so hard! He had placed his toys all over the room. In every little empty space was a Lego, a stuffed animal, or an action figure! Here are a few pictures of his handiwork. What a great little guy!
The girls began their Spanish lessons using Rosetta Stone. I was so nervous about them being able to understand what the program wanted them to click and say. I asked Jeff to sit with them for their first lessons and they did great! After a few minutes, Megan turned to her Dad and said,
"Um, Dad? I think I can do this by myself."
Poor Daddy. His girl is growing up too, too fast.

Yesterday we went to the river with the Powers fam after we were done with school. The kids had fun, minus one meltdown after Jackson hurt himself going down the "rapids."
We're all clinging to the last days of summer, already seeing little signs that fall is on it's way. I must confess that I am yearning for the cool mornings with my coffee on the front porch and later, the pouring and thunderous rains of winter. I say "yearning" because that is the newest word in our house. Apparently the kids learned it from the PBS show "Martha Speaks." Yesterday Jordan told me that she had been "yearning" for the chocolate milkshake that I bought her! Then she informed me (as if I didn't know) that yearning means to want something really, really badly. Who says that t.v. is worthless? ;)
Next week we continue with Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Until then!
Next week we continue with Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Until then!
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