A Day Worth Remembering
Yesterday was a day worth remembering. It was one of those days with no rushing or hurrying and not a single spilled beverage. The kids joined in and gave their parents a day free of excess noise and injuries! They had happy, quiet spirits the entire day.
Some of the highlights were:
-During our drive, Jeff and I enjoyed the sound of three little voices singing worship music with all of their might. We rode it out as they repeated the same lyrics over and over and over and over. And over. I think that it was a sweet, sweet sound to His ears.
-As we reached our first stop, I heard Jordan explaining to Meg:
"That's what armpits are for, silly! For tickling!"
-As we reached our first stop, I heard Jordan explaining to Meg:
"That's what armpits are for, silly! For tickling!"
-We ate lunch at Pilot Butte Burger, which has the best burgers I've ever had in my life. You just have to be willing to wait for a table. Make sure you eat here if you ever visit central Oregon.
-Jeff was overly excited after fueling up:
"Doesn't having a full tank of gas make you feel good? I could go so farright now!"
He had me laughing all day long with his sillyness.
He's the best travelmate ever--for road trips and for life.
-We went to High Desert Museum next. Here are some pictures:

-Jackson sat down and tried to "tie" his shoes. He's so sweet!
-Megan and Jackson ate suckers with real crickets in the center. Yuck!
Megan ate the top part then said, "I'll eat anything except cricket bottom!" Jackson had no problem helping his big sister out!
-Jeff had the kids do their PM list and they were ready for bed before I even realized that it was bedtime.
-at Bible time, Jeff said, "Well children, what shall we read tonight?" and they all shouted,
"Surprise us, Daddy! Surprise us!"
I just keep praying that the Lord won't let me forget any of this. I am so thankful for my little family.
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