Homeschooling (In Pictures)

I took a break from blogging and most media this week.  Just needed a little quiet, and it was good for my spirit.

We're really moving along with our school work and are nearly finished for the year in some subjects.  Here are a few pictures from this week:
James and John, our tomato hornworms, are huge!  We read up on the little critters and look forward to watching them become hawkmoths.  I'm told that they usually die before that happens, but we have hope!

Last week we learned about our skin and after we were done studying I gave the girls their first facials!  They were pretty tickled about the whole thing.

Megan, making her 8 multiplication flashcards.  

Jordan is finishing up the 2nd grade readers and is so excited because she gets to "move up" to the next level.  Megan is finishing up "Justin Morgan Had a Horse."

We haven't done any real  crafts in a few weeks, but that doesn't stop the kids from making creations of their own!

These children are such a blessing to me!


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